The headteachers who attended the meeting listened carefully to Mr. Tian’s lecture. They not only benefit a lot but also want more opportunities to learn and improve themselves.
Through a comprehensive review of various rich and vivid cases, Ms. Tian led homeroom teachers to understand the common psychological issues facing primary school students – issues that relate to learning difficulties, attention, adaptability, emotion, etc. From a surface level to more in-depth levels, analyzing each case layer by layer, Ms. Tian suggested concise, specific and effective methods based on actual research and psychological counselling experience.
Homeroom teachers benefited a lot from these real-life cases, and some homeroom teachers gained a better understanding of the potential causes for some children’s problem behaviours in their own classes, having undergone this training. Some teachers explained that, after reflecting upon their interactions with students, they could attempt to listen to their students more patiently and adjust their teaching strategies based on their students’ inner needs. Even after the session had finished, a few of the teachers remained behind to consult with Ms. Tian, who gladly offered tailored advice for them. The teachers expressed that they now had more confidence in confronting problems when together with their students.
We expect that our teachers will make stronger connections with their students, become much closer to them, ‘listen’ to their inner voices, better perceive their moods, and explore/understand their individual needs. The valuable influence of education comes from every teacher’s heart — let us guard every child’s spiritual growth with love!