In 2023, we saw growth! — SUIS Qingpu Middle School’s Semester 1 Closing Ceremony and CCA Exhibition

Time flows and seasons change. On 16 January, our Middle School successfully held its Closing Ceremony and CCA Exhibition for Semester 1. With the theme of “In 2023, we saw growth!”, a series of wonderful performances were given to showcase the learning and growth journeys of our incredible students over the past semester. The atmosphere…


Nurturing Students with Psychology —— SUIS Qingpu Middle School Psychology Expert Lectures

Adolescence is a very important time in a child’s development. It is a time that brings both physical and mental changes. As an important part of the school’s moral education, SUIS Qingpu’s Middle School offered regular professional psychological support services for students and parents throughout the semester, inviting psychology experts and professors to the school…


A special column by Geoffrey Shen

Geoffrey Shen is a mathematics teacher in SUIS Qingpu’s High School. He graduated from the Department of Mathematics of Fudan University with a bachelor’s degree and received a doctorate from the City University of Hong Kong. He has actively engaged in the teaching of mathematics in international education contexts for many years. Having accumulated much…


High School Assemblies

Introduction Themed assemblies have been a tradition in SUIS Qingpu’s High School since its establishment. They record every step that high school students take when they enter the stage to express themselves, and highlight students’ developments outside of the classroom. The Grand Theatre has always been filled during Period 2 on Tuesday mornings. As a…


When the life sciences and computers meet, a journey to discover the secrets of the body begins.

In the modern education system, interdisciplinary education has become a trend. Interdisciplinary education encourages students to cross traditional disciplinary boundaries and solve complex problems in real life through the integrated application of knowledge and methods from different disciplines. In this article, we would like to describe how our Grade 8 students engaged with interdisciplinary education…


Understanding the Origin of Life and Upholding Sexual Safety — A Grade 5 Sex Education Series of Courses

科学全面的性教育,可以帮助孩子们更好地了解自己的身体,学会保护自己。1月初我校 “心灵小筑”心理辅导中心邀请到育见爱性教育创始人、联合国人口基金会与生殖健康项目专家顾问、资深性教育培训师、华东师范大学教育学硕士——陈静老师为五年级的孩子们开设了一系列满满赋能的性教育课程。 主题一:生命起源与生理卫生 陈老师以“我是从哪里来的”这个问题带领孩子们在欢快的氛围中探索,孩子们更加了解精子和卵子,也理解了生命的繁衍;在性教育玩偶演示生孩子的过程中,更加明确了自己从何而来。 接着,陈老师在讲解男生和女生身体的不同时,孩子们认识到了自己隐私部位的重要性,知道如何保护自己的隐私部位,学会了保持隐私部位的清洁和健康。对于自己不同时期的身体变化也有了更深入的认识,能更坦然地面对自己成长中一系列的心身变化。 最后,陈老师以一个视频展示了生命的诞生,孩子们弄清了自己生命的来源,对生命更加敬畏,更加懂得珍爱生命、感恩父母。并在探讨“精子和卵子是怎么结合的”时,知道要遵守社会性规范,学会保护自己的隐私。 主题二:性安全与自我保护 陈老师和孩子们一起探讨防范性侵的话题,通过真实的案例和“性侵犯大判断”、“谁有可能会伤害隐私部位?”等游戏,帮助孩子们了解了什么是性侵犯,意识到什么人会实施性侵犯,学会了判断不同类型的性侵犯和自我保护的技巧和方法,建立了危机意识。同时,还了解了哪些行为是侵犯他人隐私的行为,知道这些行为所需承担的法律后果。 那么,该怎么遵守社会性规范呢?陈老师提醒孩子们要遵守三“不”原则。 不随便碰:不给别人碰,也不碰别人的。 不随便看:不给别人看,也不看别人的。 不随便说:如果有问题,家里讨论。 陈老师还教孩子们一旦识别性侵犯的信号,就应立即报警,采用NOT原则,远离伤害。 N N指NO,要勇敢大声地拒绝; O O指OFF,应尽快离开侵害人所在的空间,逃到人多安全的地方去; T T指TALK,跟信任的成人最好是自己的父母说出来,描述得越清晰越好; NOT 最后,还要提醒孩子一点,不管这个人是什么身份,再也不要和TA单独相处。 如果不幸遭遇身体类性侵,需要保留物证和身体证据,及时寻求帮助/报警,在家长的陪伴下到正规医院检查,并寻求心理医生的帮助。 最后,陈老师针对比较隐秘的网络性侵害,教会孩子们网络的安全指南——“四不一要”。 不透露:个人信息 不传播:色情图片视频 不联系:及时删除屏蔽危险人员 不会见:不单独会见网友 要告诉:第一时间告诉信任的家长或老师 在轻松安全的氛围中,孩子们从开始的羞怯、不好意思变得越来越坦然,都很踊跃地提出自己的疑惑。 “双胞胎是怎么形成的?” “网络上怎么判别对方的好坏?如果知道对方是坏人该如何处理?” “有暴露身体隐私部位画面的漫画可以看吗?” “如果上网时,发现了有性骚扰画面或视频的浏览器该怎么举报?” 陈老师都一一悉心地给予了解答。孩子们过去尴尬不愿意直面的疑惑也在今天的讲座中有了清晰的认识,直呼今天的性教育课程太值了。 Student Testimonials I think today’s sex education course was very meaningful. It allowed me to learn about topics and knowledge not…
