Joyful Sports Limitless Joy

As life in Shanghai improves and spring approaches, our Grade 1 students ushered in their very first Fun Sports Day. Students in Grades 3, 4 and 5 will enjoy their meeting later in the week. Fun Sports Day The Grade 1 Fun Sports Day involved eight challenging and fun-filled events, and each Grade 1 student…


Sexual Health Education at SUIS Qingpu

Sexual Health Education Seminars for Parents  – How to educate children about sex “Is it essential that we provide sexual health education to young children?” “It’s a little difficult for me to talk to my children about sex. How should I broach the topic?” “Sexual health education is important, but what should parents teach? How…


International Day of Pink

On April 10, SUIS Qingpu held a Flag-raising Ceremony with the theme of “Pink Day – Change starts with us”. Students and teachers wore pink clothing and/or accessories that served to symbolize anti-bullying and signed their names on a large Pink Day signature wall. History of the Pink Day The International Day of Pink was…


Hand in Hand from Primary to Middle School – Setting Sail on a New Journey – A new chapter of home-school cooperation at SUIS Qingpu

The transition from Primary School to Middle School is an important crossroad, representing a new chapter in a child’s life. Shanghai United International School Qingpu Campus is deeply engaged in the field of bilingual education and works hard to both connect primary school with middle school as well as collaborate with parents. A middle school…


English Teaching Practice Based on the View of Learning Activities —A Demonstration of the School-based Study on Middle School English Subject at SUIS Qingpu

English Teaching Practice Based  on the View of Learning Activities —A Demonstration of the School-based Study on Middle School English Subject at SUIS Qingpu Based on English learning activity theory, English teaching practices have become a trend in recent years due to the changing education concepts and the continuous improvement of the English learning environment.…
