Visit the “Gourd Brothers”

 The Summer Inquiry Activity of SUIS – Qingpu In the afternoon, teachers went to Congpu Cultural Center located in Langxia, Jinshan District.Congpu Cultural Center, part of Langxia park, is located in Langxia town, Jinshan district. This center was renovated from century-old Shantang Primary School into traditional Chinese courtyard garden ,which maintained the pattern of water…


The Summer Inquiry Activity of SUIS – Qingpu

The Summer Inquiry Activity of SUIS – Qingpu Recently, all SUISQP staff attended the first strategic development conference in the campus. In the morning, school leaders led us to brainstorm about the school’s blueprint. In the conference, the Executive Principal of SUIS-Qingpu, Sunny Huang, briefly introduced the school profile. The General Principal, Maxine Lu, introduced…
