Book Recommendation for September

《微观世界 谜一样的小生命》 适合年级Grade Level:G1-G9 作者Author:埃莱娜·拉杰克 出版社Publisher:北京联合出版有限公司 国际标准书号ISBN:9787559635693 书架号Shelf Number:1F-新书速递书架 Around us, there are countless tiny organisms that are invisible to the naked eye, yet they are everywhere, from the ocean depths to the shores, from forest soils to our kitchen counters. They can be found on bed sheets and even on our skin… In this…


The School and Parents: Joining Hands for Growth – Parent Meetings for SUIS Qingpu Grades 1 to 5 – September 2023

“The clouds gather the colours of summer, and the leaves rustle with the sounds of autumn.” In order to strengthen the connection between the school and families and to enhance parents’ understanding of our educational provision, parents from all primary school grades arrived at the campus on 19 and 20 September filled with love and…


“Celebrating the Harvest, Cherishing Food, Loving Labour” –SUIS Qingpu’s September Flag-Raising Ceremony

Golden wheat, and the first taste of apricots… With sickles in hand, the fields are busy with the bountiful harvest. Another Autumn season has arrived. On a crisp and golden day, the September flag-raising ceremony at SUIS Qingpu was held under the theme of ‘Celebrating the Harvest, Cherishing Food, Loving Labour’. In this season of…


Precise Construction Based on National Policies – Exploring the Path of Curriculum Innovation at SUIS QP

As the autumn breeze gently ushers in the new semester, SUIS Qingpu is taking steps to implement the educational philosophy of the nation’s new curriculum standards. Their goals include optimizing the curriculum structure, enriching curriculum resources, and exploring effective paths for curriculum development and implementation. On September 11, SUIS Qingpu hosted a “Curriculum Development and…


Middle school math summer homework show

To create a more enriching and colourful summer vacation for students, mathematics teachers in our Middle School combined the “Double Reduction” policy requirements with the goal of enhancing knowledge, the interdisciplinary integration of subject content, and engaging homework. Through their efforts, they developed an engaging summer homework book, aimed at allowing students to experience and…


Gratitude for Our Teachers: Marching Forward Together – SUIS Qingpu Teachers’ Day Celebration and the 15th ‘Outstanding Teachers Awards Ceremony’

The summer season has subtly transitioned into early autumn. During this bountiful time, SUIS Qingpu joyfully held its 5th Teacher’s Day and the 15th annual  2023 ‘Outstanding Teachers Awards Ceremony’. As the early morning sun bathed the SUIS Qingpu campus, our students, bearing flowers, greeted their teachers with big smiles at the entrance to the…
