Autumn brings beauty every year, as the trees resemble picturesque postcards and the weather is perfect. The 10th Artistic Performing Corner (APC) concert recently took place in October, providing an opportunity for SUIS Qingpu Primary School students to showcase their skills in visual arts, singing, dancing and instrumental music. The audience was thrilled by the dedication and passion that our students demonstrated on stage, as they conveyed colours, words, and beautiful sounds.
At the start of the concert, the audience was treated to a professional musical piece by Belgian-French composer Cesar Franck. Dmytro Sukhov and Manuel Lamberti, two expatriate music teachers, demonstrated their excellent skills as they played Franck’s Sonata in A major for Violin and Piano, 3rd movement. Despite being a ‘serious’ piece, the performance was warmly received by an appreciative audience.
Zoltan Kodaly, an educator, once said that music can brighten one’s entire future life. It is a treasure that can help us through many troubles and difficulties. Music is like nourishment, a comforting elixir that multiplies all that is beautiful and valuable in life. In our music lessons, we follow Kodaly’s philosophy and act as mentors to guide our students to fall in love with music and discover their ‘inner musicians and performers’. During our concerts, we see a beautiful fusion of traditional or popular Chinese music and Western classical music pieces. Our older students are required to introduce the background of the piece they perform and explain their choice. They did an excellent job!
An art exhibition is a traditional space for art objects to meet an audience. However, at SUIS Qingpu’s Primary School, our little artists take their artwork a step further. They not only showcase their creations but also present them orally to the audience, introducing themselves and elaborating on what inspired their art. The bright colours and different painting styles reflect the children’s versatile personalities, allowing us to catch a glimpse of their inner worlds. Our exhibition takes place on a stage, adding an extra flair of creativity to the event.
At the end of the concert, our “Nightingales Choir”, led by conductor Erika Cardona and accompanied on the piano by Martina Meng, gave a beautiful performance of ABBA’s “I Have a Dream”. The children’s voices harmonized gorgeously, creating a dreamlike atmosphere. The concert ended with the inspiring message that if you believe in the wonder of a fairy tale, you can still achieve your dreams, even if you fail.
Educators commonly believe that talent is not an inherent quality but can be developed through a combination of encouragement, education, training, and a nurturing environment. These factors can help children grow regardless of their initial abilities. As teachers at SUIS Qingpu, we are committed to assisting our students in their artistic journeys. Our goal is to help them become well-rounded individuals who are capable of confidently showcasing their talents to the world.