Hi, I’m Heather from Grade 11. Looking back at my experience at SUIS Qingpu High School, I have needed to evolve like a species undergoing natural selection. At SUIS Qingpu, there have been difficulties and obstacles similar to those that a creature must face in nature. At Shanghai United International School, thoughts are explored and every soul is honoured. When I joined this school, I felt an atmosphere of growth.
Being the Head Girl of Student Council
The encouragement of teachers and the support and trust of my classmates gave me the courage to run for and eventually earn the role of Head Girl in our Student Council and took on responsibilities for the Disciplinary Committee. I organize cultural events and schoolwide activities, and assign responsibilities through our meetings and formal meeting minutes. Thanks to this experience, I have learned that dreams are achieved through leadership, the allocation of responsibilities and teamwork
Being a Member of MUN

Charity, an attitude of life
Last semester, I also joined the Charity Club. The school attaches great importance to charity activities and regularly holds charity sales to support impoverished children.
Pocky Day, Spreading Gratitude on Pocky Day

of SUIS Qingpu High School
Co-Head of High School, SUIS Qingpu

Head of SUIS Qingpu High School English Department
From the first moment Heather entered my English as a First language classroom, I knew this student was special. She took charge of the class and confidently stated, ‘I want to introduce myself with an English game’. Rarely have I seen a student as confident, dependable, positive, and inspirational. My proudest moment at Shanghai United International School came after weeks of preparation for the World Scholars Cup, and seeing Heather take 3rd place in the history packet competition over 100s of top students from international schools all over Shanghai. Heather is modest and yet she is a Champion. She is confidence and yet she isn’t vain. She symbolizes the beliefs and core values of this school and is an integral part of our SUIS family.