On November 22nd,which was the Slight Snow of the traditional Chinese Solar Terms. When others could felt a little bit cold in this early winter. The theatre of SUIS QP were already as vibrant and green as spring. Our students in Grade One were going to put on their green neckerchiefs on that day,being a member of the Miao Regiment, which is the League Of Reserve Young Pioneers, the first graders were here to show everyone their progress and efforts during this two and a half months.
Two and a half months, it wasn’t a long journey for our students, but all the teachers and parents have deeply felt the behavior changes, and also found out their improvement and development. The students already learned how to be self-discipline. They were willing to make new friends and communicate with others. They tried their best to be better themselves and better global citizens, and we are sure they will keep doing like this in the future.
On that special day, the children put on the green neckerchiefs proudly. With the loud oath and singing. They showed their love to the green neckerchiefs and the determination to join the League of Young Pioneer earlier.
Seedlings’ growth needs sunshine and water; Children’s growth needs both parents and teachers’ caring and cultivation. After listening to the thanking speech from the representative of Miaomiao League members, the parent representative also came on stage to express his feeling and joy.
At the end of the ceremony, our principal expressed her congratulations to the new step the students have taken, and encouraged them to remember the “Five Loves”, and always get ready to join the League of Young Pioneer.
On this special day, the new members of the Miaomiao League from Grade One felt the love from all the teachers and friends. It seems they will definitely grow up happily in this big family.