9月24日,高中部第一次家长茶会如期举行。为了准备这次茶会,高中学部在 9 个导师群中随机抽取了 15 位家长参加,学部分别通过学业规划、学科建设和寄宿生活三个部分,向家长作了分享。
On September 24 marked the first Parents Tea Party for Shanghai United International School (SUIS) Qingpu. In order to prepare for this tea party, the High School Division randomly selected 15 parents from 9 tutor groups to participate, and shared with the parents through three parts: academic planning, curriculum construction, and boarding life.
Co-Acting Principal Ms. Sunny Huang shared the latest news with parents
High School Coordinator Ms. Lisa Wang hosted the tea party
The tea party consists of three parts. The first part focuses on responses to the questions raised in three areas: academic planning, student learning, and boarding life. High school shared the work schedule using the monthly report for this semester, and introduced the entire reporting system: the report format, the date of issuing the report so that parents can understand the students’ academic and boarding life at school.
Debate “Whether the government should prioritize spending on youth”
In the second part of the tea party, parents attended this week’s student-led secondary school assembly. At the meeting, the students from English as First Language Class demonstrated the debate on “Whether the government should prioritize spending on youth”. The students’ confidence and proficiency in English expressions fully demonstrated the results of their academic learning.
Vice Principal Mr. Leo Ge shared the theme of the assembly “Honesty & Trust”
After school assembly, the parents went to the Art Salon. While enjoying refreshments, they also communicated with the teachers on academic learning and school life.
The first High School Parents Tea Party ended in a positive and relaxing atmosphere. The parents who participating in the meeting also expressed that they would like to share the observations they made with other parents. The result is promoting information exchange between parents and the school, a more established family-school linkage, and collaborations form the many great programs available for their children.