No. 1
Who Can Raise your
Hand the Fastest!
First, the teacher randomly creates groups consisting of 3 to 5 students. When the teacher announces ‘start’, all students are instructed to write ‘1’ in the chatbox at the same time. The student who responds the slowest needs to answer the questions. You can choose to display the order in which students raise their hands on Teams.
In this game, the teacher can also select students to answer questions based on rules. The students enjoy participating in the game and the atmosphere is pleasant and full of laughter.
No. 2
Diversified Activities and
Stimulating Student Interest

No. 3
Interactive Experience –
Enhance class Interaction
Our focus has been to make Microsoft Teams, our online/distance learning platform, a collaborative experience where students can collaboratively work on lessons. The classes are typically divided into three stages.
First, students are assessed on what they already know. Next, students work individually on a concept or on language objectives so that the teacher can assess their understanding. Finally, students collaborate by completing assignments, worksheets, or having a discussion.
No. 4
Encourage Students to Share
How do you evaluate students’ learning outcomes when teaching online? Certainly, it is more difficult through a screen. From time to time, students are asked to share their screens and summarize and reflect on the parts that have been taught – this helps them discover what they’ve learned and helps the teacher assess the quality of the students’ notes.
No. 5
Homework Assignment